Paulo Bathroom Suites
Thinking of renovating your bathroom or ensuite? You can find key bathroom fixtures in our Paulo Bathroom Suite Range. This range consists of a collection of contemporary basins and toilet pans to match. If you’re looking to create a traditional-look bathroom or ensuite with modern design features, look no further than the Paulo range.
With this collection, you have the option to buy individual fixtures or to invest in full basin and toilet sets. The former is great if you’re just looking to replace a single fixture, while the latter is convenient if you’re renovating your entire bathroom – it makes the process seamless!
Paulo Toilets
The Paulo Toilet Suite range consists mostly of modern, square-shaped bathroom toilets. Square toilets, like the Paulo Back To Wall Toilet Pan with Soft Close Toilet Seat, not only enhance your bathroom’s style but also provide increased comfort – in particular, they offer greater support for the legs and knees.
The toilet pans in this range are made of ceramic and are guaranteed to stand the test of time. No wonder we offer them with a five-year guarantees!
Paulo Basins
In the Paulo collection, you’ll also find a selection of basins, each of which has a different shape and style. Choose between semi and full-pedestal basins. The Paulo 520mm Basin with 1 Tap Hole and Full Pedestal, for example, comes with sharp edges and expertly conceals your pipework.
If you’d like to create more of a contemporary look, you could opt for a semi-pedestal, which not only conceals your pipework but also optimises your bathroom floor space.
Check out our full range below!