Spring Cleaning Hacks: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Deep Clean Your Bathrooom

Spring Cleaning Hacks: A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Deep Clean Your Bathrooom

21st Mar 2024

bathroom sink unit with brass tap and greenery

Spring is the perfect opportunity to refresh, declutter, and rejuvenate every corner of your life – including your bathroom.

Deep cleaning makes routine cleaning tasks much easier in the long run, but it can seem like an overwhelming, time-consuming task.

To help you transform your bathroom from grime-y to shiny, we've created a step-by-step guide on how to deep clean the bathroom with tried and tested tips from Brian Toward, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) here at Wholesale Domestic.

How often should you clean your bathroom?

"You'll want to wipe down surfaces, bleach the toilet, and perhaps give the floors a quick mop every week or less to keep your bathroom clean," says Brian. "However, it depends. Weekly bathroom cleaning might do the trick if you're living solo or with a small family. But, if you've got a bustling household with kids and guests frequently popping in, you'll need to do it more often to keep things sparkling fresh."

"When it comes to deep cleaning, aim for a thorough scrub-down every few weeks. Emptying cabinets, scrubbing away grime, and tackling those hard-to-reach spots will prevent any build-up and make it easier to keep on top of things."

What equipment do I need?

Having the right cleaning equipment to hand can make cleaning the bathroom a whole lot easier. Here are the essentials:

  • Spray cleaner – A good anti-bacterial bathroom cleaner does the trick for keeping things germ-free.
  • Bleach – To tackle stubborn stains and disinfect the toilet bowl, bleach is a must-have.
  • Grout cleaner – If your tiles are looking a bit worse for wear, a grout cleaner can effortlessly lift away dirt and grime.
  • Scrubbing tools – A good scrub brush or sponge will come in handy for tackling tough spots on surfaces and in corners.
  • Rubber gloves – Protect your hands from harsh chemicals with a pair of rubber gloves.
  • Microfibre cloths – These are great for wiping down surfaces and leaving them streak-free.
  • Toilet brush – Don't forget a toilet brush to keep your toilet fresh.
  • Mop or floor cleaner – Keep your bathroom floors clean and shiny with a mop.

How to deep clean your bathroom step by step

"Before you start your deep clean, consider this tip from Brian: "When cleaning the bathroom, it's best to leave the toilet until last."

"The toilet harbours the most germs, so if you clean it first with the same cloth and then wipe other surfaces, you'll probably spread germs around. By working towards your toilet, you can toss your cloth into the wash after you're finished."

Here are our recommended steps for a thorough bathroom clean!

1. Refresh your shower curtains, towels and bathmats

Start by stripping away the shower curtains, towels, and bath mats from your bathroom. This step sets the stage for a deep clean that'll leave your bathroom looking and feeling brand new.

Pop items like bath mats and towels into the wash, ensuring you check the washing guidelines first to maintain their quality.

If you've got a plastic shower curtain, it might need a little extra attention. Bathrooms provide the perfect warm, damp environment for mould, mildew, and soap scum to thrive, which can build up over time on your shower curtain.

Brian says: "You can put a plastic shower curtain in the washing machine on a cold wash, but hand washing usually does a better job of getting rid of any stains."

"To do this:

  1. Add a dash of laundry detergent, around five tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda, and the same amount of distilled white vinegar to your bath or a large sink.
  2. Fill it with warm water, enough to submerge your curtain. You'll notice a slight fizz - that's the bicarb and white vinegar producing carbon dioxide, creating an abrasive effect that helps loosen tough stains.
  3. Leave to soak for five minutes to let it work its magic."

"If stubborn stains persist, you can gently scrub the affected areas with a soft brush. Rinse thoroughly, then if possible, hang it outside on a clothesline to air dry or use a clean towel to pat it."

If you don't have a bath or a big enough sink, you can clean it outdoors on a patio or deck. Simply mix equal parts white vinegar and bicarb in a bowl, apply it to the curtain, and scrub away. Then, pour over clean water to rinse and hang to dry.

2. Declutter

Double bathroom sink unit with storage drawers and products inside

It's now time to bid farewell to those empty shampoo bottles lingering in the shower and products at the back of your bathroom cabinets that you don't use any more.

"Take everything out and organise it into three piles: items to keep, bin and donate, or give away," says Brian. "You might find it helpful to set up a temporary sorting station, maybe on your kitchen table or the floor outside your bathroom."

"Clearing out the clutter first gives you space to give your bathroom a good, deep clean. Plus, when it's time to put everything back, you'll have the opportunity to organise your products, making it much easier to find what you need."

To learn more, read our guide on how to organise your bathroom in 5 simple steps.

3. Dust and hoover

Person dusting a bathroom light

“Resist the temptation to grab a damp cloth or spray cleaner right away,” says Brian. “That will just spread dust and hairs around, making your job harder in the long run.”

“Instead, start by dusting, working from top to bottom so any dust or debris that falls downward gets cleaned up later.”

Grab yourself a duster with an extendable handle so you can reach spots like light fixtures, door frames, and the tops of cabinets. Pay special attention to corners and edges where dust tends to accumulate.

Then, thoroughly dust all your other surfaces – from the bath to the toilet seat- and don't forget those skirting boards. It's best to use a microfibre cloth – these are excellent at trapping dust, rather than just moving it around like regular cloths often do.

After you’ve finished dusting, hoover up so you don’t step in the dust and spread it around the rest of the house.

4. Scrub surfaces

Person wiping a bathroom worktop surface

Now you've done the dusting, spray all of your surfaces with antibacterial cleaner, including the insides of your cabinets. Then, give them a good wipe-down with a damp cloth.

To avoid watermarks, you'll need to dry these areas off with an old cleaning towel or microfibre cloth.

5. Clean your drains

Yes, cleaning the shower drain is a super grim job, but ignoring this unpleasant task could make it 10 times worse down the line.

Brian explains how to do it:

  1. “Firstly, put your gloves on and use your fingers to remove any initial debris that’s physically blocking the drain, like hair.
  2. Then, if needed, use a drain snake — a flexible tool designed to reach deep into drains and dislodge clogs. Simply insert it into the drain and gently twist it as you push it down.
  3. Tug upwards slowly to start pulling blockages out, and put it straight into a plastic bag. Repeat until you’ve cleared everything out.
  4. Blast any remaining dirt by putting around five tablespoons of bicarb down the drain, followed swiftly with the same amount of distilled white vinegar. The combination will create a fizzing action that will work away at grime.
  5. Leave for at least 20 minutes, then pour your favourite scented concentrated disinfectant alongside boiling water to flush the mixture away.”

6. Clean the shower and bath

Person scrubbing a glass shower screen with a sponge

Now it's time to tackle your shower and bath. Start by applying your chosen spray cleaner to both the inside and outside surfaces. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then gently scrub it with a non-abrasive brush or cloth. If you have a hand shower, use it to rinse off any remaining cleaning solution; if not, simply pour water from a jug over the surfaces.

Brian says: “Soap scum, a thin film of oils from shampoo and soaps on the inside of your shower or bath, tends to build up quickly, especially if you're living with a lot of people using the shower every day.”

“The best option is prevention; wipe down and use a squeegee to get rid of shampoo and soap after each use. However, this isn't always possible if you're in a rush.”

“If soap scum has built up, mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda in a bowl. Apply with a cloth to the problem areas and leave it for about 30 minutes, then wipe clean.”

“For limescale or hard water stains, you can even heat your white vinegar up in a saucepan before adding it to your bicarb. The warm temperature enhances its descaling power, making stain removal easier.”

“When your bath or shower is sparkling clean, remember to dry it with a microfibre cloth to prevent watermarks!”

Brian goes on to say: “If your shower door is glass and you’re left with streaks after drying, try applying equal parts white vinegar and water decanted into a spray bottle. The acidic nature of white vinegar means it helps break down mineral deposits, soap scum, and other residues that can cause streaks and cloudiness on the glass surface.”

“Spray the glass generously, leave for 15 minutes and wipe away with a microfibre cloth for a streak-free finish.”

Chrome taps and shower valves are easily overlooked when cleaning, but they can be affected by limescale. Brian recommends: "Soak kitchen roll in lemon juice and wrap around both taps and valves. Leave this to soak for an hour, then scrub gently, and rinse. The acidity of lemon juice reacts with calcium carbonate in limescale, breaking it down and making it easier to remove."

"When your chrome fixtures are dry, give them a polish with a little bit of baby oil and a microfibre cloth to make them shiny and bright."

To learn more, read our guide on how to deep clean your shower enclosure.

7. Clean your shower head

Chrome shower head and rainfall shower


"The shower head can often be forgotten about. It's not until you're standing underneath it mid-shower that you notice all the grime that's built up," explains Brian. "If you live in a "hard" water area, limescale can build up fairly quickly."

"Distilled white vinegar is the answer to your limescale problems. Here's how to clean your showerhead with vinegar:

  1. Pour the white vinegar into a sandwich bag alongside your unscrewed shower head until the head is fully submerged.
  2. Leave it to soak for at least an hour to work its magic.
  3. Remove it from the bag, and spray down your showerhead with your favourite disinfectant.
  4. Finally, blast your shower at a hot temperature to get rid of any excess residue."

"Just remember: this trick works best with chrome shower heads. Vinegar's acidic properties can cause discolouration or corrosion to some materials like brass, nickel, gold, and certain types of plastic."

8. Wipe your tiles

Blue tiles and double mirror bathroom set up

The grout in between the tiles tends to harbour a lot of dirt, so it's best to clean this first.

Brian says: “Tackling your bathroom grout can feel overwhelming, especially if the grime and black mould has built up. However, there are ways to get it looking sparkling without having to renovate your entire bathroom.”

“Steer clear of using bleach, especially on coloured grout, as it can cause the finish to fade over time. Instead, opt for a milder alternative like bicarbonate of soda, which is gentler yet still does the job.”

  1. “Mix approximately five tablespoons of bicarb (depending on how big your bathroom is) with a little warm water to form a paste.
  2. Dip an old toothbrush into the paste and gently scrub the grout lines.
  3. Once covered, let it sit for about 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a damp cloth to rinse away the residue.”

You could also use a black mould remover spray, found in the cleaning aisle of your local supermarket. Spray all the affected areas and leave it for the time stated in the instructions. Then, spray down all the areas with your favourite disinfectant to get rid of any nasty residue left behind.

Just make sure to wear protective gloves and keep your windows open, as mould remover sprays usually contain strong chemicals that can irritate your skin and breathing.

After this treatment, it should look noticeably cleaner. However, if it's still not up to your standards, you can use a grout pen to paint over existing grout, bringing it back to life.

Then, it's time to clean the tiles. “Soak a clean cloth in hot water and wring it out well before adding a few sprays of your cleaner (not too much, or you'll get streaks),” explains Brian.

“Start at one end and wipe down the tiles from the floor to the ceiling. Make your way around the room, wiping away any water marks and soap residue around the shower area.”

9. Shine mirrors and windows

Person scrubbing a bathroom mirror

Using a glass cleaner or a homemade solution of equal parts water and vinegar, spray your windows and mirrors and wipe in circular motions until streak-free and shiny,” says Brian.

“Surprisingly, newspaper is great for cleaning glass as it doesn't leave behind lint like cloths or towels might. Plus, when combined with glass cleaner, the ink on the newspaper dissolves slightly, forming a mildly soapy solution that aids in breaking down dirt and grime.”

10. Clean the toilet

Now you've used your cloth to scrub everything else in your bathroom, you can use it to clean the toilet before throwing it in the wash.

Just like you did with the other surfaces, start by dusting off the toilet seat, lid, and other exterior surfaces. Then, spray and wipe it all down with a damp cloth.

If your flush button is made of metal, grab a dry microfibre cloth and polish it for that added shine.

You'll then need to wash the inside of the toilet bowl. Here's an excellent tip from Brian: “Lemon juice has antibacterial and bleaching power, making it perfect for cleaning the toilet. The refreshing, lemony scent is an added bonus! Just pour about 100ml of lemon juice into the toilet bowl and give it a good scrub with the toilet brush. Make sure you hit all the nooks and crannies, including under the water and around the rim, to kill any germs or bacteria.”

“If you're dealing with stubborn stains, sprinkle some bicarb into the bowl first, then add the lemon juice to form an acidic solution that works wonders on grime.”

If you don't have lemon or bicarb, bleach will also do the trick!

11. Mop the floor

You're on the home stretch now!

To mop, fill a bucket with warm water and a cleaner suitable for your flooring type. Here are the best cleaners for the most common types of flooring:

  • Hardwood – "Use a hardwood-specific floor cleaner with a pH level of around seven," says Brain. "This neutral pH is crucial because anything higher can have too much alkaline, potentially causing discolouration. If you decide to mop, dry it with a cloth straight away to prevent water damage."
  • Tiles – Brian says: "Ceramic and porcelain floor tiles don't scratch easily, so you can use almost any type of cleaner, like multipurpose spray. Just dry with a microfibre cloth after mopping for that extra shine."
  • Laminate – "The best way to clean laminate flooring is with a multipurpose cleaner and a slightly damp mop," explains Brian. "Just remember that an overly wet mop can cause warping on laminate."
  • Vinyl – "Mild cleanser and warm water will do the job of cleaning vinyl flooring," says Brian. "However, floor cleaner residue can sometimes build up, leaving a film on the surface. To combat this, mix a splash of white vinegar with warm water and use this solution to mop the floor. It effectively removes residue without being too harsh on the vinyl. Similar to laminate flooring, just avoid adding too much water to the vinyl floor, as it can seep into the seams and cause damage over time.”

Begin mopping the entire bathroom floor, starting from the farthest corner and working your way towards the door. This way, you won't accidentally step on the wet floor while you're cleaning.

Pay special attention to the corners, as these areas tend to gather more dirt and grime. You might need to put in a little extra elbow grease to ensure they're thoroughly cleaned.

12. Put everything back in the right place

Bathroom wall cabinet with one door open to show products inside

Once the floor is dry, it's time to put everything back where it belongs.

Start by returning your freshly washed towels, bath mats, and shower curtains to their spots. You can then organise your toiletries and bathroom essentials, placing them back in their designated areas.

How to clean the bathroom fast

A deep clean every few weeks makes keeping a tidy bathroom a breeze. Implementing a quick cleaning routine twice a week can help keep it looking tip-top between deep cleans.

For a super-fast bathroom refresh, you can skip tasks like decluttering, cleaning the insides of cabinets, and soaking the showerhead – you've already tackled those during the deep clean. Instead, focus on quick tasks like dusting, hoovering, spraying surfaces and bleaching the toilet. With these steps, you should be done in no more than 10 minutes, depending on the size of your bathroom.

Here's Brian's top tip for speeding up the process: "Have all your cleaning products and tools ready and organised before you start."

"Knowing the order in which to tackle tasks can also save time – for instance, starting with dusting ensures you won't spread dust around with a wet cloth later on."

Upgrade your bathroom with Wholesale Domestic

Modern bathroom with bath, toilet and sink unit

If you've given your bathroom a deep clean, but it's still not looking as fresh as you'd like, it might be time for an upgrade.

At Wholesale Domestic, we've got everything you need to revamp your bathroom, from showers, baths and toilets to accessories like mirrors, toothbrush holders and extractor fans. Shop our full range of products today!